Nothing much to say today. Being hired by USPS is a long process but I passed another hurdle today. We (AM and DJ) went to buy DJ clothes today. It was wonderful to be a mom again. Not that I am not the mom to EJ and NN!!! DJ and AM are our first-borns and sometimes the focus is on the youngers and the olders feel ignored. I am so glad they are forgiving. Maybe it has something to do with who was paying today...
Epiphany on Satan, the Devil, that fallen serpent: As long as I have comprehended, Satan has been known to me as something bad. Yesterday, I saw the role of Satan in a different perspective...and I realized my decision on how to view his role is key to my battle against him. Steel is made useful through fire and friction. My sword of faith is built on fire and friction too. Sometimes, I've allowed Satan's role to defeat me in believing there is no hope, no way out, no rescue available. But each morning, I wake up and find a new day available to use as I may. The resurrection is real. Christ's gift of the atonement cannot be measured. I thank God for the morning!
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