Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bahamas on my Mind

Daren is in the mountains being an electrician's apprentice so it is girl week at home. You'd think we would be having pedicures and eating chocolate but NO! Instead we are catching up on "John and Kate + 8, Biggest Loser Family and Pushing Daisies".

Today I started a 9 week quest to be able to run a 5k. I didn't run too much but the walk/job went pretty well. I will have to look for a 5k cause to test my goal setting skills. Tomorrow I will ride my bike so I can use different muscles. Wish me luck!

The post office called and I was scheduled for orientation at the same time as our trip to the Bahamas. So I have postponed the post office for two weeks and will go with my family to NAS and FPO for four days. This is something totally unlike me since I am known as the penny pinching scrooge. I am excited to have time together! All 6 of us focused on fun for a few days. I hope I know how to relax!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Love

These past few weeks I have had too many reminders (kicks in the pants) of my unexpressed love for my precious family. From husbands, to kids, to cousins, uncles and aunts, moms and dads, sisters, brothers, outlaws and in-laws included, I have failed to express my love enough. SO...hug your family member near you, go visit the relatives you treasure and rekindle the eternal love we all feel so deeply when we are all together. REMEMBER OREGON COAST!

Thanks Corwin for bringing my big brother to Arizona!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A new day, a dawning season

Nothing much to say today. Being hired by USPS is a long process but I passed another hurdle today. We (AM and DJ) went to buy DJ clothes today. It was wonderful to be a mom again. Not that I am not the mom to EJ and NN!!! DJ and AM are our first-borns and sometimes the focus is on the youngers and the olders feel ignored. I am so glad they are forgiving. Maybe it has something to do with who was paying today...

Epiphany on Satan, the Devil, that fallen serpent: As long as I have comprehended, Satan has been known to me as something bad. Yesterday, I saw the role of Satan in a different perspective...and I realized my decision on how to view his role is key to my battle against him. Steel is made useful through fire and friction. My sword of faith is built on fire and friction too. Sometimes, I've allowed Satan's role to defeat me in believing there is no hope, no way out, no rescue available. But each morning, I wake up and find a new day available to use as I may. The resurrection is real. Christ's gift of the atonement cannot be measured. I thank God for the morning!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is the rumor true? DAREN'S HOME

This is a first for me but due to our nomadic adventures, I figure blogging is better than the silent thoughts most of our friends never hear. One wonderful blessing of moving so much the past 23 years is...we love so many people in so many places. Yet, never have enough time to call or write or visit those we love is frustrating. There are always references of you in our conversations and your happiness is in our prayers but the letters, calls and visits have not happened enough. So here goes the beggings of blogging for me!

Wednesday, October 29th DJ came home from Georgia. These past six days have been such fun for all of us. AM is a little jealous of his time but its only natural since they were each others best friends for 16 years before he left. His mission was a wonderful growing experience for him. He hasn't been good at calling his family but hopefully he will do better this week.

Time to sleep. USPS is providing me with an opportunity for a medical exam at 7am tomorrow! Yipee!